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How to pay the tuition fee?

Published: 2021-05-31 Author:

All the students should pay the tuition fee in the first two weeks of each semester.

Tuition fee could be paid by bank transfer or WeChat.

1. Bank transfer

The detailed information of the university bank account is shown as below.

Bank Name: Bank of China Qingdao West Coast New Area Branch

Beneficiary: China University of Petroleum (EAST CHINA)

A/C No. 215 604 391 524

Bank Code: 104 452 007 011

After bank transfer is completed, send the bank receipt to email 824887075@qq.com, stating name and student number. The teacher will contact with the student on receiving the bank notification.

Note: It takes some time to complete the overseas remittance, please wait patiently.

2. Use WeChat to pay

The following is the money receiving QR code of university finance office.

Scan the QR code by WeChat and then fill in the amount, name, phone number and student number to complete the payment.

After WeChat payment is completed, the following window will be displayed, indicating the successful payment.