Current Student Scholarships

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Wangtao Scholarship

Wangtao Scholarshipis awarded to students with extraordinary performance, behavior and contributions in academics, arts, sports and social practice.

Scholarship value: CNY 10,000

The scholarship is delivered in one-off subsidy.

In principle, individual student could only be awarded once during their entire studies.


(1) Candidates should be a degree student.

(2) Candidates should abide by Chinese laws and university regulations, and not have any record of discipline violations.

(3) Candidates should have taken some position in student societies, actively participated in university events and contribute to international student affairs.

(4) Candidates should be in their third year of study, never fail any exam, be rated top 20% in their majors and have HSK 4 or above

(5) Candidates should have strong research abilities, actively participated in social practice and scientific innovation activities.


Student Affairs Office

College of International Education

Avenue: Room A201 International Student Building

Telephone: 86981271