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Oil and Natural Gas Engineering

release time:2020-05-30author:

Program Mission

To grasp solid foundation knowledge and systematic professional knowledge in Oil and Natural Gas Engineering; To develop scientific research capabilities or the technical expertise in practical work; To show an international perspective and potentials of collaboration and innovativeness; To become high-level talents of professional technologies and managerial skills in the petroleum industry worldwide.

Program Orientation

1.Oil-Gas Well Engineering

(1)Mechanics, information and control of oil and gas wells

(2)Rock mechanics and engineering

(3)Fluid dynamics and engineering

(4)Chemistry and engineering of drilling and completion fluid

2.Oil-Gas Field Develop Engineering

(1)Theory and application of oil and gas flow in porous medium

(2)Theory and systematic engineering of oil and gas field development

(3)Theory and technology of oil production

(4)Enhanced oil recovery and oilfield chemistry

(5)Information technology and its application in oil and gas field development)

Supervisors' Link:

Program Duration & Tuition Fee

3 years and tuition fee is RMB24000 ( Twenty four thousand RMB)

Credit Requirement

7 compulsory courses, Minimum 30 credits


Course Type Course Code Course Name Teaching hours Credit Semes-ter Notes
Compulsory courses Public compulsory courses
Survey of China 36 2 1

Primary Foreign Language 80 4 1
Specialized compulsory courses
Numerical analysis 56 3 1

Theory and method of modern oil and gas well engineering 48 3 2

Physics of fluid flow in porous medium 48 3 1

Theory and technology of enhanced oil recovery 48 3 2

Oil and gas well stimulation technology 48 3 2
Compulsory sections
Attend 10+ seminars, make 1 academic presentation
1 1-3

Literature review and research proposal
1 3
Specialized elective courses
Jet flow dynamics 32 2 1

Modern drilling fluid technology 32 2 1

Theory and method of rock crashing 32 2 2

Numerical reservoir simulation 48 3 2

Advanced gas reservoir engineering 48 3 2

Theory of gas-liquid flow 48 3 1

Rheology in engineering (non-Newtonian fluid mechanics) 48 3 2

Technological economic 32 2 1

Fluid dynamics for oil and gas well engineering 32 2 2
Supplementary courses
Drilling engineering 56 3.5 1 Choose 2 courses

Reservoir engineering 56 3.5 1

Oil production engineering 56 3.5 1

Oilfield chemistry 48 3 1

Engineering fluid mechanics 64 4 1

Mechanics of flow in porous medium 48 3 1

Petrophysics 48 3 1

Fundamentals of rock mechanics 32 2 1

Physicochemistry 32 2 1


1) The students must pass HSK level 3.

2) The students must choose 2 supplementary courses under the advice of the supervisor. The supplementary courses are compulsory, but will not be counted in the total required credits.